In line with its organizational values, AFD networks with various like minded organizations for purpose of learning, exchange of experience, coordination, harmonization, joint postioning, etc.The main networks in which AFD participates include the following:
Network of Civil Society Organizations in Oromia (NeCSOO) is a Regional Network of civil society organizations operating in the Oromia National Regional State. The Network has 48 member organizations that have engaged in a range of humanitarian response and development activities in the Region.
The Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations Council (ECSOC) represents the civil society organizations registered by the FDRE Agency of Civil Society Organizations. The ECSOC Secretariat exists for the purpose of; coordination, information sharing, advocacy, coordinate policy/position paper production, members/government/donorengagement and engagement on other strategic issues regarding the sector as well as national matters.
Consortum of Christian Relief & Development Associations(CCRDA) is an indigenous non-profit umbrella organization based in Ethiopia. It is a consortium of non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations engaged in various development activities including agricultural development and food security, rural and urban development, HIV/AIDS prevention and control, environmental protection and gender mainstreaming.